Nok en kjempekamp av Liverpool, og det til tross for at Torres og Babel maatte staa over. Og siste nytt til deg Espen er at maaltyven Emile Heskey tar overgang fra Wigan Athletic til Liverpool i jan. 2009.
Paa onsdag 21. okt. blir det stor stemning i Low Wray med Champions Leauge against Atletico Madrid (1-1). Ingen tvil om at nordvest-England er verdens beste fotballregion. Northwest is best, first is first and second is lost som supporterne sier her borte. Og paa torsdag er det RBK i UEFA paa Lerkendal (mitt tips er 3-1). Vi boer ta en studietur hit ogsaa, for det er gode public libraries her ogsaa! Min Web 2.0 faar gaa paa paa halvtolv noen dager.
The Daily Telegraph is commenting on Web 2.0:
The Daily Telegraph is commenting on Web 2.0:
"Reality TV, multichannel TV, MP3 players, MySpace, YouTube, the mobile web - technology changed our lives in first decades of the 21st century, and the music industry was powerless to resist. It was the decade when the internet made its first serious impact on the charts - when everyone had an iPod, and when artists such as the Arctic Monkeys or Lily Allen cemented their reputation on websites such as MySpace."
The Guardian on public libraries in future:
"The town library, byword for mousy respectability and decent endavour, is at last showing a capacity to fight to escape from a deathly decline. At a conference in Liverpool last week Roy Clare, boss of the formerly invisible Museums, Libraries and Archives Council argued for libraries' role in lifelong learning from school to senescene, now rebranded as "Finding Your Talent" (...) Libraries are closing - 75 last year - and individual visits are in steady and apparently inexorable decline (...) to argue at the mission of Andrew Carnegie, the great 19th-century benefactor who saw libraries as the backbone of national culture, is exhausted (...) The only hope lies in revolution - (...) Libraries are redefining themselves as Idea Stores, introducing jazz mornings, even allowing users to eat og take phone calls while they read. More and more customers do not disturb the book section at all. The uncomfortable truth for traditionalists who see libraries as temples of silence ... (...) Libraries can be a two-way communications channel between the familiar and the new, learning from and contributing to their locality, where improving literacy sits alongside access to films, music or local history - but where the written world is still king. Judging libraries by numbers of loans my be outdated. But at the heart of each, as the government has promised, must remain books, and a place to enjoy them."
Sveinung H. i Cumbria
Sveinung H. i Cumbria
2 kommentarer:
Måtelig misunnelig, studietur støttes!
Heskey tilbake til Liverpool? Godt, godt. Vi får satse på at han får noen nettkjenninger utover.
Ellers er siste nytt fra ballklubben på Rosenborg triste greier. Tipset ditt på 3-1 til Rosenborg slo feil, mildt sagt. Vi som fylte opp et halvfullt Lerkendal denne kvelden ble både våte og kalde, og ikke fikk vi noe resultat å varme oss på heller. 0-0 er ikke mer enn tap når vi har overtaket stort sett hele kampen. Men dette er ikke det verste skjønner du, det foregår nå ordkrig mellom Tettey og enkelte supportere, kritikk av billettpriser (forsåvidt litt enig her) og slåssing innad i Rosenborg. Sånn kan vi vel ikke ha det?
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